

1. Event: 

The KRONPLATZKING takes place on August 30, 2025.


2. Description:
The KRONPLATZKING is a point-to-point mountain-bike marathon race for professional riders and amateurs. Allowed are regular mountain-bikes and electric bikes. The wearing of a helmet is compulsory.


3. Start:

  • 08.00 a.m. King Marathon
  • 08.30 a.m. Prince Class

in San Vigilio di Marebbe / St. Vigil in Enneberg, Italy
First start box is reserved to Elite and Under23 categories m/f, as well as to invited guests.
Second start box is for all other categories, line-up according to date of registration and payment, on a first comes, first serve basis. All women are free to choose the start box they want to start from.


4. Race distances: The race offers 2 race distances:
• KINGMarathon  – long distance, 64 km and 3,150 climbing meters 
• PRINCEClassic   – short distance, 49 km and 2,160 climbing meters 


5. Requirements to participate:
All UCI and FCI (Italian Cycling Federation) licence holders are allowed to participate. 
• Participants of the long distance, the KINGMarathon,  must be of full age (18y+).
• Participants of the short distance, the PRINCEClassic, must have turned (16y+).
• Elite/U23 categories m/f must compete on the long distance. 

Participants who are not in possession of a riders’ licence, don’t have to but can purchase a one-day license issued by the Italian Cycling Federation FCI on the spot. The price for it is € 15.00 plus handling charges. In order to get a one-day rider’s license the participant must present a valid medical certificate confirming the participant’s health to compete. Participants who do not hold a licence can take part in the so-called “hobby categories”, but still must present a valid medical certificate confirming their health to compete at numbers pick up. Self-declarations are not accepted.

All participants must present a valid sports medical certificate. Participants who do not have a driver's license start in the hobby categories, but must still be in possession of a valid sports medical certificate, which is required to pick up the start number. No self-declaration 

Medical Certificate


6. Categories:


KINGMarathon – long distance ( 64Km – Hm 3.150 ) 


With rider license



OPEN Elite + Under 23

Jg. 1925 - 2006

Elite Sport

Jg. 1994 - 2005


Jg. 1991 - 1995


Jg. 1986 - 1990


Jg. 1981 - 1985


Jg. 1976 - 1980


Jg. 1971 - 1975


Jg. 1966 - 1970


Jg. 1961 - 1965

MASTER 8 Jg. 1926 - 1960




OPEN Elite + Under 23

Jg. 1926 - 2006

Elite Sport 

Jg. 1994 - 2005


Jg. 1926 - 1995



Without rider license



Jg. 1996 - 2007


Jg. 1980 - 1995


Jg. 1926 - 1979




Jg. 1996 - 2007


Jg. 1980 - 1995


Jg. 1926 - 1979



73 km King Marathon: 18+





Jg. 1926 - 2009


Jg. 1926 - 2009




PRINCEClassic - short distance 49 km - 2.160 Hm


With rider license



Junioren Men  

Jg. 2007 - 2008


Jg. 1996 - 2006


Jg. 1991 - 1995


Jg. 1986 - 1990


Jg. 1981 - 1985


Jg. 1976 - 1980


Jg. 1971 - 1975


Jg. 1966 - 1970


Jg. 1961 - 1965


Jg. 1926 - 1960



Junioren Women 

Jg. 2007 - 2008


Jg. 1996 - 2006


Jg. 1926 - 1995


Without rider license




Jg. 2008 - 2009


Jg. 1996 - 2007


Jg. 1980 - 1995


Jg. 1926 - 1979




Jg. 2008 - 2009


Jg. 1996 - 2007


Jg. 1980 - 1995


Jg. 1926 - 1979



49 km Prince Classic: 16+





Jg. 1926 - 2009


Jg. 1926 - 2009



7. Registration: 
Registration starts on November 1st, 2024 at 08:00 a.m. and ends on August 30th, 2025 at 07:00 a.m.. or at the reaching of the maximum number of participants of 800 starters. Registrations are solely possible online via our time-keeping partner, by clicking on the “registration” tab on our website You’ll find a weekly updated starters’ list on our website, there you can check if your registration was successful. Registrations on-site are possible on Friday August 29th and Saturday 30th, 2025 from 6 until 7 a.m., if starting spots are still available. Registrations whose payments do not arrive within 10 days expire automatically.

Fattore K codes (relevant to teams registered with the Italian federation FCI only):
KING Marathon 64 km: ID
PRINCE Classic 49 km: ID


8. Entry fees: 

  • 01/12/24 - 31/12/24   85€
  • 01/01/25 - 30/07/25   90€
  • 01/08/25 - 28/08/25   95€
  • 29/08/25 - 30/08/25   100€

Participants who have already taken part at the KronplatzKing MTB Marathon and who are motivated to participate again in 2025, will receive a discount of 20€ if they register for the race within March 31, 2025.


The entry fee includes the following services:
• Personal starting number 
• Time-keeping transponde
• Transport of personal clothing from the start in San Vigilio to the finish at the top of the Kronplatz/Plan de Corones 
• Feed-zones during the race and at the finish
• Starters’ kit with presents for the participants
• Information, communication of ranking via message and email  
• Voucher for the Pasta-Party after the race on top of the Kronplatz
• 1 free one-day-ticket for the participant himself for all the lifts of the Kronplatz area. 
• 1 free one-day-ticket for 1 accompanying person for all the lifts of the Kronplatz area.
• Medical care during the race
• Bike-Safe: there will be a guarded area where participants can check-in their bikes after the race 

Riders’ clothing is just accepted when packed in solid, closed backpacks or suitcases provided with the participant’s name and data. The organisation doesn’t assume any liability for lost, damaged or stolen items. 


9. Partner hotel bonus of € 10.00 - Registration with holiday package:
Participants booking an accommodation with one of our partner hotels get the partner hotel bonus, a special entry fee reduction of € 10.00! Once the booking with the hotel is confirmed, the participant gets an email with a private registration code he has to use when registering on www.kronplatzkingcom. With the booking of a partner hotel, the participant is NOT automatically registered for the race. A cancellation of the hotel booking implies the cancellation of registration for the race. The entry fee will not be refunded nor transferred for next events. The partner bonus can not be cumulated with other perks!


10. Cancellation of participation / Cancellation insurance:
It is possible to take out an insurance policy for possible cancellation of the race in case of illness or accident with a medical certificate. This insurance policy must be taken out with our timekeeping partner Datasport.


11. Replacing a participant
It is possible to transfer a registration to another person. In order to do so, the registered participant has to write an email to the race organisation with the all the necessary data of the person who will replace him or her. A handling charge of € 10.00 is applied. Replacement are accepted until August 21, 2024. 


12. Start number pick-up:
Start number pick-up takes place on
friday before the race from 2 p.m. until 9 p.m. and
saturday from 6 a.m. until 7 a.m..
Start number pick-up is located at the tourist office San Vigilio (Via Plan de Corones 38/1). 

License check and registration for elite and under23 riders takes place on Friday from 4 p.m until 7 p.m. at the tourist office San Vigilio (Via Plan de Corones 38/1). 

Start numbers can be picked up by the participant only. Participants have to present an original valid ID (passport, ID card or driving licence) and UCI riders have to present their license. Amateurs have to present a valid medical certificate confirming the participant’s health to compete. Third persons cannot pick up numbers for other riders.


13. Medical care and safety:
During the race medical care is guaranteed by the White Cross/Weißes Kreuz, safety by the mountain rescue, fire-fighters and volunteers along the entire race course. After the race or when taken out of competition, this service coverage expires.


14. Time gates:

  • San Vigilio/St Vigil (Prince Classic 19km | King Marathon 23km)   ore 11:00 Uhr - 11.00 am
  • Ciamaor (Prince Classic 36km | King Marathon 40km)    ore 12:15 Uhr - 12.15 pm
  • Furcia (Prince Classic 43km | King Marathon 47km)    ore 13:30 Uhr - 1.30 pm
  • Kronplatz (King Marathon 54km)     ore 14:30 Uhr - 1.30 pm
  • Kronplatz (Prince Classic 49km | King Marathon Finish 73km)   ore 16:00 Uhr - 4.00 pm

Participants who do not make the time gates given above, are taken out of the race. Their race numbers will be taken off their bikes. No exemptions are made. Participants are allowed to continue at their own risk or to take the broom car which brings them back to the start in San Vigilio. When time gates have passed, signs will be taken off the course and feed zone will be removed.


15. Cancellation of event: 
The event will take place irrespective of weather conditions, provided that there is no risk to the health or safety of the participants. The race organization holds the right to stop or cancel the race. Should the race be cancelled for circumstances beyond the control of the race organisation or for Acts of God, the entry fee will not be refunded nor transferred for next events. 


16. Changes by the race organisation: 
The race organisation reserves itself the right to change the reglement and the course at any time, also during the race itself. 


17. Ranking:
All riders, licenced pro-riders and amateurs, will enter the ranking. Except for elite and under23 riders, rankings are set up based on their net riding times, not on order of arrival at the finish. Only riders finishing the race regularly will enter the ranking.



18. Price giving ceremony 3 p.m.

The official award ceremony for the Kronplatz Queen and King will take place at the Kronplatz summit from 4 p.m..
The following classifications will be awarded on the podium:

PRINCE Classic 49Km

  • OPEN WOMEN:   Overall Top 3* 
  • OPEN MEN:   Overall Top 10*

KING Marathon 64Km

  • OPEN WOMEN:   Overall Top 5* 
  • OPEN MEN:   Overall Top 5*

*The presence of the athletes is compulsory for the awarding of the prizes.

The first 3 classified athletes in all categories (licence and hobby) will receive prizes in kind, which can be collected from the race office from 3 p.m.. Prizes not collected will not be handed in later.


19. Prize-money

KINGMarathon - long distance  

Open Men

Open Women

1. 800 € 1. 800 €
2. 600 € 2. 500 €
3. 500 € 3. 400 €
4. 400 € 4. 300 €
5. 300 € 5. 200 €
6. 200 € 6.  62 €
7. 150 € 7.  57 €
8. 100 € 8.  47 €
9.  80 € 9.  39 €
10. - 15. 50 € 10. 39 €

PRINCEClassic - short distance

Open Men

Open Women

1. 350 € 1. 350 €
2. 250 € 2. 200 €
3. 200 € 3. 100 €
4. 100 €  
5.  50 €


Prize-money can be picked up in the race office after the ceremony. Athletes holding an Italian tax number must produce it when collecting their prize-money.


20. Bike-Safe
On top of the Kronplatz at the Kron restaurant there will be installed a protected area, called the bike safe, where all participants can leave their bikes after the race and pick it up later. 


21. Rights and duties of the participant:
• The start number must be placed visibly on the handlebar of the bike.
• The start number mustn’t be changed or damaged. 
• During the entire race a cycling helmet must be worn. 
• On course sections running on public roads, traffic regulations apply. All riders must respect those.
• Participants who do not make the time gates, must hand out their start number to the time gate responsible. 
• Participants must show up in their start box 10 minutes prior to start. If he or she is late, he or she will automatically start from the last start box. 
• Each participant is asked to carry his or her own spare parts in the race, like an inner tube, pump, inflator and cartridge. 
• Participants must carry a personal ID throughout the entire race.
• We advice to carry a rain jacket as well as some extra clothes during the race.
• Slower participants must step aside when faster riders want to overtake.
• Sections with limited visibility must be ridden carefully.
• Participants with flats or technical problems must step aside the race-course to fix their bikes.
• Participants quitting the race must communicate their abandonment of the race immediately to the next course marshal. 
• On the finish straight the changing of riding lines is strictly forbidden. 
• Any disrespect of these rules will lead to disqualification.


22. Disqualification:

The participation in the race with a wrong or someone else’s start number, the handing over of a personal start number to someone else, the starting out of a wrong startbox or any other serious or damaging acts or bad behaviour lead to expulsion from the ranking or to disqualification or to expulsion from the event for several years. Necessary steps are taken by the race organisation. 

Protection and respect of environment: littering during the race is strictly forbidden. Trash must be left at the feed-zones. E-bikes and any other assisted pedalling are forbidden. Disrespect of these rules lead to disqualification.


23. Liability:
The participation in the KRONPLATZKING is at own risk. With the registration (even if carried out through third parties) the participants abandons any rights of claim, also towards thirds, is at your own risk and responsibility

By registering (also through third partiesthe participants waive the assertion ofany legal claimsincluding third partiesand against third partiesagainst theorganisers and all natural and legalpersons involved in the organisation ofthe eventIn additionthe participantsconfirm with their registration that theyare in sufficient physical condition tocope with the high physical strain.


24.  Further rules: 
For everything not contemplated by these regulations, the general rules of the Italian Cycling Federation FCI and UCI apply.


25. Signature:
With registering for the race the participant declares: 
• to be in possession of a valid medical certification confirming his or her health to compete; 
• to acknowledge that no liability or responsibility is accepted by the race organisation for any injury, illness, damage, loss, accident, expense, or any other claim arising from the participation in the KronplatzKing, before during and after the race, and that he or she waives any claims. 
• if applicable, to be in possession of a valid rider licence when member of an official cycling club
• to be in possession of a personal liability insurance.
• to have read the present reglement
• to give their consent to the race organisation to use pictures or videos or any other recording of the participant taken in occasion of the event and to use his data for processing and internal use, according to privacy law no. 675/1996 and 2003.


26. Data Protection

The personal data given by participants upon registration will be saved and processed for the sole purpose of implementing and running the event. Upon registering, the participant agrees for their data to be saved.
The participant hereby consents to the personal data they have provided being passed on to third parties in order to record times, draw up and disclose lists of results and publish them on the home page. Upon registration, the participant consents to the event organiser distributing their data via all suitable media (the home page, written and online publications).
The event organiser hereby agrees that the personal data they receive upon the participant’s registration may be saved and the photos and video material taken at the KronplatzKing MTB Marathon may be used and published free of charge.

Please carefully read the data protection statement of our partner DATASPORT AG via the following link:


27. Contact & Information

For further information please write an email to

Organizing cycling team: RH Racing A.S.D., FCI code 21U1151
President of the OC Maurizio Kastlunger